We are a technology service provider with a focus on enabling businesses with latest technology innovations. We have been reaching out to businesses for some years now and conveying the benefits of using cloud technologies — one of which is the ability to work from anywhere.

Working from anywhere increase the employee productivity as they have access to information wherever they are, they can respond to customer queries faster and can maintain a good work life balance. This also suits the nature of how millennials like to work. Ability to work remotely has also been a key component of Business Continuity Planning of many enterprises.

When the pandemic struck and country was in lock-down, we observed that the businesses that adopted the modern workplace (Cloud Technologies) were able to carry out business operations. Some relied on VPN or other methods to remote into their server rooms, Data centers.

Many were stuck and started adopting these technologies. Microsoft Teams was one of the most demanded solution to enable collaboration between remote employees followed by Virtual Desktops on Cloud (Microsoft WVD and AWS Workspaces) that enabled enterprises to securely run operations. Employee could work from their home using personal (BYOD) or Corporate owned devices in a secure manner.

While pandemic is far from over, we are thinking if these technologies and remote working will become a new normal? What are the challenges and risks associated? How can we be prepared for such situations?

Some of these challenges and possible solutions I have listed in this article.


  • Use of personal devices and open internet is a threat to business data
  • Backup and Recovery of data in remote/personal devices
  • Difficult to Implement, scale and manage VPN solutions
  • Use of personal apps (e.g. WhatsApp, WeTransfer) for business communication
  • Segregation of personal and corporate data on personal devices
  • User Education

Possible Solutions

  • Use Technologies like Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) or AWS Workspaces
  • Your business workspace is on cloud, no data gets transferred between personal device and your Virtual Desktop.
  • No VPN required, your devices acts as a thin client.
  • Add Device Management features such as conditional access if you want to restrict access to specific devices. E.g. Only corporate owned devices can access my desktop and Multi Factor Authentication (MFA).
  • Use technologies like Microsoft Teams for business communications rather than personal apps. Enhance security by controlling access, enabling MFA and data sharing policies. Use features like Safe Links and to scan links before user opens them.
  • Use of modern workplace technologies like G Suite or Microsoft 365 (Office 365) and combine it with Device Management and App Management technologies. E.g. Enterprise Mobility and Security (EMS).
  • Educate your remote workers about the remote working policies and practices to follow
  • Audit user activities (follow privacy laws!)

We are enabling businesses to adapt to this new normal. Contact Us to be enabled and adapt to a modern & secure workplace.

